Sunday, March 1, 2009


Okay, so I am attempting to create and maintain a blog. I started to think about it, though, and what is a blog anyway? First of all, the word is weird. BLOG. It sounds like some monster out of a Mother Goose rhyme that would eat children if they didn't go to bed on time or something. It is just a really odd name.

Second, what is the purpose of a blog? To keep track of what happens in one's life? A diary of sorts? I thought the whole idea of a diary is that it is supposed to be a SECRET, though, so wouldn't that make a blog sort of the anti-diary? I created a blog once under the name Natalie Cordova. I called it "Confessions," and it was a sort of diary because it was a place that I could spill my darkest secrets and no one would know it was me. I have since deleted that blog, so don't bother to look for it. I know some of you still will anyway, but it's not there. Promise. It was just a little too weird for me - my secret other life blog. Odd.
To keep a blog under my real name, though? That other people can read? What is the point of this? Still, if I thought that blogs in the mainstream sense were completely pointless, I suppose I wouldn't be writing one. This is odd...I will have to think on it.

In considering a title for my *ahem* BLOG (still hate this word), I chose the one I did based off of a diary entry of the same name that I wrote last year. It was an entry where I lamented the fact that my friends kept telling me it was pretty much sacrilege to go to MSU and not party. "Sober Spartan" is pretty much an oxymoron, they would say. I spent a long time trying to figure out the whole "in the world but not of the world" idea on this campus, and I feel that I have accomplished it to an extent now that I sort of like the idea of being a "sober spartan." I'm still a part of the school, but I can be different at the same time. Not being a goody-two-shoes, but also not being a barf-on-my-shoes either. Life seems to be finding a general balance of where one fits in and where one stands out, you know?

So anyway, there's the history on the name of this blog. As for what the blog contents will be, I don't know. What does one put in a blog? How much of this is supposed to be my true emotions and struggles, and how much of it is a facebook status-esque proclamation to a list of friends about what I am doing? I don't know. I guess I'll have to try and find a balance - story of my life.

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